Discounts apply only to active students in accredited college programs
From FDM materials to VCJ materials and everything in between, we've got you covered.
Get your prints hot off the printer. No supports will be removed for faster delivery, or add this service on if you prefer.
We'll make sure that your 3D CAD file is feasible for 3D printing. Our team of technical experts will address any issues that arise.
After you submit your application, it can take up to 3 business days for your application to be reviewed. If eligible documents are not submitted, this may extend the review period.
No, your Student Discount is only applicable for future orders after you've been approved.
The discount does not extend to shipping/courier fees and taxes. We do offer free local pick-up, come give us a visit!
Makelab for Students is a discount applied only towards 3D printing. However, all other add-ons are fair game! 25% off custom color, split & assembly, and rush fees!
Your discount will be reflected in your shopping cart. You will see a line item labeled "Discount" in the final totals box.